Our Lord Christ The King Church Conference
– established in 2003


What we do … Our ministry is made up of two parts:

1) Home visits to provide basic emergency assistance of (food, rent, utilities, prescription drugs, furniture and clothing) and prayer with and for nearby individuals and families.

2) Distribute Holy Communion to individuals at nearby assisted living facilities.

Organizational Goals

To provide a safety net for the poor and vulnerable in our community, helping prevent our neighbors in need from falling into the downward spiral of poverty and homelessness. To provide aid extending into our conference’s assigned neighborhoods in Cincinnati. To strengthen our Vincentian fellowship and build our own faith together.

Our volunteer team of Vincentians, now approaching 40 strong, can use your time, talent and or treasure to help our neighbors in need!

In the Spotlight

The St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) Conference at Christ the King Parish is a group of parishioners, who are committed to helping our neighbors in need.  Once a month, we will share a story about the assistance that is given to our neighbors in need. (The names have been changed to protect real identities.) 

Reliable Transportation for Judy

We would like to share a true SVDP success story. Several of our SVDP members, including Jim Dodd and Sharon Weckel, have been mentoring Judy for many years. As a result, they have developed a wonderful friendship with her.  Over the years, SVDP at CTK has assisted Judy with paying rent and Duke bills, and have provided her Kroger cards, clothing vouchers, etc.  After successful drug rehabilitation treatment, she was hired to clean hotel rooms. Judy proved herself to be a reliable employee, and she was promoted to a housekeeping shift supervisor. 

Recently, Judy informed Jim and Sharon that her car needed brakes and new transmission, which totaled $6,000. She needed a car in order to have safe, reliable transportation to take her infant son to childcare and to drive to work. We put a notice in the CTK bulletin that she needed to replace her unsafe car.

After a few months, one of our Christ the King parishioners called a SVDP member to inform us that his son got a new car and he wanted to donate his old one to SVDP.  We filled out the necessary paperwork and presented Judy with the car.  She was absolutely THRILLED!! Judy’s ability to work and be self-sufficient was enhanced by this generous donation. Many thanks to all of the members of Christ the King who have been generous with our neighbors in need over the years!! God bless!!

Want To Learn More? 

View this Video

Interested in joining our team and helping?

Our team meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Parish Contact: Vincentian voicemail, 513-898-9718 or OLCTK.SVDP@gmail.com

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