Whenever I read this account of the feeding of five thousand with five loaves and two fish, a talk I once heard in seminary always echoes off the corners of my mind. The idea that God’s miracles are not a bending of the laws of nature, not some cheat code, but rather a moment of Grace where He shows us what life would look like had Adam and Eve not chosen to rebel. That every miracle is a glimpse into what a life of grace truly looks like. Where we would not have to toil for food, not have to wrestle with the elements in order to thrive.

The Fall is not just some inherited sin, we also in our own lives choose rebellion rather than obedience, but what if we surrendered? That is a question I often ask myself when reading this Scriptural account of the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand. What if I were the child that offered my meager loaves and fish? That is what I want you to focus on this week in prayer. What meager offering can I bring to the Lord? What insignificant act of trust could be the impetus for God to feed five thousand? Maybe it is a skill of connecting with others. Maybe it is your time in prayer for others, maybe it is willing to give your time to others, or even sharing the food you cooked with others? Nothing is too small for the Lord to use, and we have no idea the impact of entrusting the blessings He has given us on the world around us.

May the Love, Peace and Grace of God be with you,
Fr. Adam

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