Become an Altar Server
Christ the King Parish invites parishioners (Age 11 – 18; 5th grade and older) to be Altar Servers. Training for Altar Serving is held annually.

A Server must:
*Be Catholic
*Attend Sunday Mass on a regular basis
*Be reliable – shows up for Masses to which he/she is scheduled OR finds a substitute

As an Altar Server each Child Will:
*Serve approximately one Sunday Mass every 4 – 8 weeks
*Be assigned to serve 8:15 am School Masses (Pacelli Students only)
*Have volunteer opportunities to serve  

Church Training will take place on the following dates/times.  Servers must attend one training session.
*Friday, September 6th at 2:45 pm OR Saturday, September 7th at 9:30am
*Training is mandatory for all Servers and will be lead by Fr. Jeremy Stubbs

Register to be an Alter Server for 2024-25 HERE

Scheduling for Altar Servers
Choose dates to serve in Fall 2024 HERE

For more information about Altar Serving, please contact Emily Daley 513-321-4121 or

Our Lord Christ the King Parish recognizes servers as a very important part of its liturgical ministry program. The place of the server in the liturgical celebrations remains one of prominence and distinction here at Our Lord Christ the King. The ministry of server retains a genuine vital role in the liturgical assembly. The role of servers, through their actions, is to bring the assembly to a fuller understanding of the liturgy and so to a greater love of God. Servers have a place of honor at Mass and liturgical celebrations because they assist the priest in many ways. Servers’ behavior and performance can be a sign of their faith and their love of God and for God’s people.

Emily Daley, the Coordinator of Religious Education, manages the Altar Server program.

Contact her at or 513-321-4121

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