“Rejoice in hope, endure in affliction, persevere in prayer. Contribute to the needs of others, exercise hospitality, rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.” — Romans 12:12-13 The mission of the Bereavement Ministry is to bring solace to the family of the deceased and to aid in planning a liturgy within the rules of the Church that would be most fitting to the deceased and most comforting to the family. By entering into the Corporal Work of Mercy with a humble and prayerful attitude, the minister receives great satisfaction for having helped his/her fellow parishioners at a time of great sorrow. When notified by the Parish Office of a funeral the Bereavement chairperson or a Bereavement member contacts the family contact to arrange a meeting with the family members to plan the liturgy. Other members of the Bereavement Committee are notified of the death and are asked to respond whether they can help on the day of the funeral Mass.All others who need to be contacted regarding a funeral are notified by the Office Manager. (Music Director, Custodial Staff, School Personnel, etc.)Usually the Bereavement Member meets with the family in the Parlor of the Atrium Building.Within the liturgy the family may choose the first and second reading, and the gospel. The Responsorial Psalm used is usually Psalm 23. They also choose five music selections. All choices are recorded on the proper form along with the decisions on lectors, distributors, gift-bearers, and servers. Copies of the form are sent by e-mail to the Pastor, the Music Director, and the Funeral Home.Bereavement Members usually sit in the rear of church and help with gift bearers and any emergency.No Parking signs are put out early on the morning of the funeral. All doors are unlocked. Lights and microphones are on. The Easter candle, programs, hosts, cruets, binder with readings, purificator, and tabernacle key are in place. Holy Water is in the bucket. Censer and boat are ready. Pall is out. Reserved signs are out for the family. Table is in place if the person is cremated.Bereavement Members place programs in pews for the family and greet and pass other programs to people as they arrive.After the service is over Bereavement Members straighten things up, wash articles used, return all materials to their proper place, and leave the church in order. Parish Contact: Mary Alice Manley, 737mary@fuse.net