Liturgy Coordinators are behind-the-scenes assistants who help the celebrant ready the church for Mass. This is the newest ministry at Our Lord Christ the King, and one which gives parishioners a unique opportunity to work closely with the liturgy. Most people take for granted that when they arrive for Mass everyone will be ready at the appointed time. Liturgical Coordinators play a key role in making that happen. Their responsibilities include: Before Mass Unlocking all church doorsSetting up for Mass (paten, chalice, ciboria, purificator, hosts, wine, collection basket) Put items where they belong.Turn on lights and Sound System. Insert Key in the Tabernacle.Ensuring that those who play a role in Mass are present and prepared (Celebrant, Lectors, Altar Servers, Eucharistic Ministers, etc.)Serving as a resource to the celebrant. After Mass Wash all the items used during Mass that need to be cleaned.Return all items used at Mass to their proper place.Turn off anything that needs attention (sound system, lights, microphone, etc.)After the last Mass of the day see that all outside doors to the church are locked. Parish Contact: Mary Alice Manley