Liturgy Coordinators are behind-the-scenes assistants who help the celebrant ready the church for Mass. This is the newest ministry at Our Lord Christ the King, and one which gives parishioners a unique opportunity to work closely with the liturgy. Most people take for granted that when they arrive for Mass everyone will be ready at the appointed time. Liturgical Coordinators play a key role in making that happen. Their responsibilities include:

Before Mass

  • Unlocking all church doors
  • Setting up for Mass (paten, chalice, ciboria, purificator, hosts, wine, collection basket) Put items where they belong.
  • Turn on lights and Sound System. Insert Key in the Tabernacle.
  • Ensuring that those who play a role in Mass are present and prepared (Celebrant, Lectors, Altar Servers, Eucharistic Ministers, etc.)
  • Serving as a resource to the celebrant.

After Mass

  • Wash all the items used during Mass that need to be cleaned.
  • Return all items used at Mass to their proper place.
  • Turn off anything that needs attention (sound system, lights, microphone, etc.)
  • After the last Mass of the day see that all outside doors to the church are locked.

Parish Contact:  
Mary Alice Manley

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