Beginning with the celebration of Pentecost (May 27-28, 2023), we will once again offer Holy Communion at Our Lord Christ the King under both species (bread and wine) at our Saturday Vigil and Sunday Masses.
The health crisis of COVID-19 gave rise to concerns about distributing Holy Communion under both species during the pandemic. Dioceses and parishes worldwide stopped offering Holy Communion under both kinds in 2020.
As vaccinations became broadly available, Archbishop Schnurr announced in March, 2022, that distribution of the Precious Blood could again take place beginning April 24, 2022, at the discretion of each pastor. It is with an abundance of caution that we have waited until this time to offer it again.
The decision to reintroduce the offering of the chalice has not been made lightly and reflects the fact that, according to the CDC, “As a nation, we now find ourselves at a different point in the pandemic – with more tools and resources than ever before to better protect ourselves and our communities.”
It is important to note that each of us must make our own decision when it comes to receiving one or both species. If one is immunocompromised, has respiratory symptoms, or believes they may have been exposed to COVID or flu, it may be best to receive only the host.
It is also important to note that one does not need to receive Holy Communion under both species to receive the full grace of the sacrament. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: “Since Christ is sacramentally present under each of the species, communion under the species of bread alone makes it possible to receive all the fruit of Eucharistic grace.” (CCC, No. 1390).
Father Dustin Dought, Associate Director of the U.S. Bishops’ Secretariat of Divine Worship, recently said that, since the Second Vatican Council, the Catholic Church has emphasized that while the distribution of both host and wine “more fully expresses Christ’s gift of himself at the Last Supper,” the fullness of sacramental grace is present in each form. “When it comes to the sign, the sign is less full, the expression is less full,” without both forms of Holy Communion, he said. “But when it comes to grace, there’s no deprivation of grace” without the chalice.
As a reminder, “intinction,” or the dipping of the host into the chalice, is only allowed for a priest or bishop. Others may not dip their host into the chalice themselves, as this is considered “self-communication,” which the Church does not permit.
We will begin by offering two chalices at each Vigil/Sunday Mass. Please be patient should we run out of the Precious Blood before you come to receive. We will adjust the amount of wine that is consecrated at each Mass as we gain experience with the number of people who seek to receive it.