This weekend we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord. It is a good time to reflect on the importance of this sacrament. Jesus’ Baptism was unlike all other baptisms because there is no sin to be forgiven. It was more like an anointing, where we call down God’s blessing. At Jesus’ Baptism, the Holy Spirit descends and remains with Jesus. This is the first time in salvation history, to my mind, that the Holy Spirit remains! At other pivotal moments, the Holy Spirit would descend and inspire or guide but would always return to Heaven.

Next, the sacramental element of water does not cleanse Jesus, but Jesus cleanses it! From that point forward, all holy waters take on a new element of sanctification! It is one of my favorite parts of the baptism rite when the priest calls down the Holy Spirit to sanctify the waters in the baptismal font, recalling all salvation history culminating in Christ’s own Baptism.

Finally, Jesus’ Baptism is an anointing because God the Father proclaims Him Son! “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.” Jesus’ Baptism in the Jordan is a moment of realization for all present that the long-awaited Messiah is not just another prophet or king, He is something different. We can take for granted the thousands of years we have had to wrestle with the reality of our God incarnate. In the Gospels, we constantly see Jesus’ Apostles struggling with what His words, knowledge, and power mean.

Ultimately, each of us are baptized into the life, death and resurrection of Christ. An indelible mark on our soul left at the time of our baptism compels us to die to self, and in so doing, mimic the love of our Triune God.

May the Love, Peace and Grace of God be with you,

Fr. Adam

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