• by Dr. Richard DeClue
    Dr. Richard DeClue I think it will be a wonderful resource for my own work and for inquiring minds in general.
  • by Alejandro Terán-Somohano
    Alejandro Terán-Somohano We are so anxious and burdened with the things our devices are constantly nagging us about that we neglect the one thing that is needed.
  • by Rachel Bulman
    Rachel Bulman Resolutions are not necessarily found within the extraordinary but in realizing that the ordinary has been a means for perfection all along.
  • by Dr. Steven Umbrello
    Dr. Steven Umbrello We must reflect on how our use of technology aligns with our values and whether it contributes to our growth in virtues.
  • by Mark Bradford
    Mark Bradford Let's reflect on the “immense ornamental beauty of wounded fragilities” in humanity’s diversity—in the disabled, the poor, the marginalized.
  • by Dr. Richard DeClue
    Dr. Richard DeClue Theology strives to see reality the way that God sees it and knows it. It's based first and foremost on the knowledge God himself has shared.
  • by James Matthew Wilson
    James Matthew Wilson This night, the angel’s words, / Proclaimed long months before, / Have been fulfilled, her son / Shall reign forevermore.
  • by Dr. Richard DeClue
    Dr. Richard DeClue Jesus as the center of history is the Savior of the World, ending our separation from God and inaugurating our return to God. Have a most blessed Christmas, with Christ as the center.
  • by Dr. Richard Clements
    Dr. Richard Clements The spiritual birth of Jesus into the world is an ongoing event intended to continue until he returns. Each of us is invited to contribute.
  • by Mark Bradford
    Mark Bradford Our culture is changing and darkness is threatening the light, but followers of the true light—Christ's light—know darkness can never win.
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