• by Dr. Richard Clements
    Dr. Richard Clements Our mission may not be what we would have chosen, but it's the mission that will enable us to become the loving person God created us to be.
  • by Fr. Billy Swan
    Fr. Billy Swan May the whole Church witness to the beauty of catechesis that God that radiates from creation, music, art, and the lives of the saints.
  • by Nell O’Leary
    Nell O’Leary Dr. Melissa Mitchell leads the Word on Fire Institute's Secondary Catholic Educators Formation Community and discusses its goal and mission.
  • by Bishop Robert Barron
    Bishop Robert Barron Cheers for all those involved in the Eucharistic Congress. God bless them for allowing the spirit of the supernatural to breathe through it. 
  • by Thomas Griffin
    Thomas Griffin Give God everything. Make him your one true God. Don’t establish other gods in his place, especially when it comes to politics and the news.
  • by Dr. Christopher Kaczor
    Dr. Christopher Kaczor Now, in his conversion, David Solomon has given us all yet another lesson by his powerful example: to take the next step that God gives us.
  • by Dr. Steven Umbrello
    Dr. Steven Umbrello The theories of Bernard Lonergan and Robert Doran show that Kurzweil’s understanding of mind and consciousness is fundamentally flawed.
  • by Colin Smith
    Colin Smith Church teaching on the environment isn't reducible to environmentalism. Here are 3 points of departure open-minded nature-lovers can explore.
  • by Dr. Tod Worner
    Dr. Tod Worner May prayer help us trust, hope, and love the God who overcomes the gap and the many souls he is entrusting to our passionate evangelization.
  • by Bishop Robert Barron
    Bishop Robert Barron As secularism has gripped so many, summer provides a greater opportunity to pray, rest in the Lord, consider the higher and deeper things. 
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