The Community Outreach Commission
The Community Outreach Commission is a group commissioned by the pastor to be the conscience of Our Lord Christ the King Parish and Cardinal Pacelli School. In response to Catholic Social Teaching, the Social Action Commission administers the parish’s community outreach ministries and challenges parishioners to be Christ to our brothers and sisters. The Commission provides a portion of the parish budget for various social agencies.
COC programs include:
- Christmas Gift Giving Program
- Christmas Adopt-a-Family
- Drop In Center
- Fair Trade Products
- Habitat for Humanity
- Helping Hands
- Inter Parish Ministry
- Interfaith Hospitality Network
- Lenten Fishes & Loaves Food Collection
- People Working Cooperatively
- Prepare Affair/Repair Affair
- St. Vincent de Paul
- Twinning Program with Obuasi Diocese in Ghana
- Baloney Sandwiches for St. Francis Seraph Ministries

Catholic Social Teaching
Catholic Social Teaching is a philosophy based on the church’s beliefs and doctrines that we live out God’s call to love the most poor…
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Christmas Gift Giving / Adopt a Family
We are pleased to support a number of Christmas Gift Giving programs during the holidays.
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Fair Trade Products
Products are traded (bought and sold) in a way that is honest and fair, empowers both farmers and consumers.
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Ghana Health Care Project
In Ghana, just $7 for a child, $20 for an adult or $54 for a family will provide them with a year of health care.
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Habitat For Humanity
This organization is dedicated to constructing new housing for low-income families using the skills and talents of volunteers.
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Interfaith Hospitality Network
An organization that ensures shelter, meals, case management and referrals to homeless families. IHN works by combining the resources…
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Lenten Fishes & Loaves Collection
During Lent food and personal care items are collected to help supply local food pantries. Donations will be given to local food pantries.
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Repair Affair & Prepare Affair
Prepare Affair is an amazing way to give back to those in need in our community. While it is only a single-day event, it impacts those families we help all year long.
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St. Vincent de Paul
Home visits to provide basic emergency assistance and distribute Holy Communion to Individuals at nearby assisted living facilities.
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Shelterhouse – Serve Dinner
The fourth Monday of each month a different parish group sponsors a meal at the Shelterhouse, a mens homeless shelter at 411 Gest Street.
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Christian Outreach and Wellness Ministry
Christian Outreach and Wellness Ministry is located at 3710 Eastern Ave. and serves the general Eastern Ave. area.
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